I'm Diana Kerubo,Age 22 born in Nairobi,Kenya in the year 1999.Raised in Nairobi I was able to attend Kahawa Garrison Primary School for my lower learing,Kijabe Girls Highschool for my middle learing and for my higher learning I have a diploma in Business Administration from Cooperative University
Position : Intern Accountant
Position : Sales Executive
For me this is my cute well written facts My story
You know that feeling you get before a school trip or that feeling before Christmas, I get the same feeling when I play vedio games or when I think of a game I can create. With this feeling I went on a search to learn how to make games online through Google and Youtube.With no knowledge about coding it was tricky and this was my big blocker.On a fine day a friend of mine was talking about Moringa Schooland how they are the best in teaching coding.I went quckly to apply ,thats how i was accepted by the Scholarship programme.
First Week Project -The project is about the band called H_art The Band ,it is a short bio page of the members and their music.click to view more
Languages used -HTML ,CSS
Anitas-Kitchen -The website presents the menue for delisious food and drinks
Languages used -HTML ,CSS